and I love asking questions...
"? - How can I be more effective..."
I've been learning how to do things for my whole life, and yet I never learned how to do things. I soon realized this was the culprit of the chaos, stress, and anxiety that was a constant in my head. I like to compare the organization of my mind to my family's house. As a child, I didn't understand anything about my house other than the fact that I would occasionally get new things like legos or a baby brother (or three!). When I was older, my "cleaning" always began with dumping the contents of every drawer and cabinent in the entire house onto the floor. My mom loved this. I just didn't understand how someone could possibly clean without completely restarting. My dad would often sweep the floors and scrub the counters but this cleanliness always seemed superficial to me. I realized I couldn't entirely re-invent my house but I also couldn't clean up randomly. I needed a system. Creating this type of system is exactly what I set out to do for my life. I couldn't just dump myself out onto the floor and start over, but following tips here and there was also not an option. I needed a place to start and map to follow. And since one didn't exist, I decided to make my own.I am so freaking curious. About everything. I always keep a list of questions with me, so when I'm curious about something I can save it for later (instead of being eternally distracted). I also love learning new things, which means I spend a lot of my free time exploring ideas from that list. It just so happens that my curiosity often revolves around learning more effectively: a rather fortuitous cycle.
" explore my curiosity."